UPS with a flywheel and active capacity

ACTIVEPOWER Flywheel UPS hoặc Dynamic UPS là một trong những UPS Green Tech-nology đã được phát triển về chức năng, hiệu suất hệ thống cũng như kích thước và hình dạng của thiết bị.

Giờ đây, hệ thống Flywheel UPS đã được áp dụng cho hầu hết mọi loại công việc như Trung tâm Dữ liệu, Trung tâm Viễn thông, Máy công nghiệp hoặc các ứng dụng khác yêu cầu độ ổn định điện cao. Sự khác nhau giữa bộ lưu điện bánh đà và bộ lưu điện tĩnh như sau:

  • It is a UPS that does not need a battery to store energy but uses inertia in the device. Flywheel UPS can reduce the cost of replacing batteries every 3-5 years, allowing you to save a lot of money in the long run.
  • Very high performance. Flywheel UPS has very high efficiency, up to 98% during normal operation, higher than static UPS.
  • Flywheel UPS requires twice less installation area than stationary UPS and weighs 2 times less. Especially in large capacity UPSs (500 kVA), flywheel UPSs use up to three times less space and weight than static UPSs, saving UPS system space and reducing efficiency. The construction costs required to support the heavy structure of the UPS system.
  • A Flywheel UPS is a system designed to work well in high-temperature environments such as in electrical rooms, industrial plants, and outdoor power plants. That means that choosing a Flywheel UPS system can save on the cost of installing an air conditioning system in the room where the UPS is located, as well as reduce the indirect cost of having to pay for electricity from the air conditioner for a long time.