UPS hay thường gọi là bộ lưu điện, các loại UPS thông dụng hiện nay thường được chia làm ba loại chính theo nguyên lý hoạt động của chúng: UPS offline, UPS offline công nghệ Line interactive và UPS online
A lot of people already know that inside the UPS there will be the battery to store electricity, so just knowing that is the most basic way to know the operating principle of the uninterrupted: converting electricity from the battery to the mains supply to the load when the power supply to the UPS input is lost.
Inside the UPS, there are one or more the battery used to store electrical energy. Use a board that converts the battery's DC power into AC, and this alternating current fluctuates in frequency and voltage to suit the requirements of use – ie 220Vac at 50 or 60 Hz.
UPS offline
Nguyên lý làm việc của nó như sau:
- Mains power input via a switch to the output line. At the same time, the input power is used to charge the battery through the Charger.
- When the grid power is lost, the battery system provides direct current to the inverter to convert it into alternating current to continue supplying the consuming equipment.
Offline UPS with Line interactive technology
To overcome the disadvantages of conventional offline UPS, offline UPS with Line interactive technology. Due to their more active principle of operation, they are more expensive than conventional offline UPSs.
Offline UPS with Line interactive technology
Power to the consumable equipment is provided through an autotransformer.
- In the case of normal UPS input voltage, i.e. the voltage level is approximately 220V output then the UPS acts as the top-left frame, so there is no interference to the output voltage – and the UPS works like a regular offline UPS.
- In cases where the input voltage is lower than the reference voltage, the autotransformer will switch to another step, ensuring the output voltage meets the required parameters. In the event that the voltage of the mains is higher than the standard rating, this is also the case.
- In the event of a power outage, the Line Interactive UPS Input Technology will operate like a regular Offline UPS, disconnecting the branch via the autotransformer and switching to the battery branch via the inverter.
UPS online
In order to completely overcome the disadvantages of the above two UPS lines, it is an online UPS, that's why this type of UPS usually has the highest selling price compared to the above types.
UPS online
Nguồn điện ngõ vào không cung cấp điện trực tiếp cho tải, mà được biến đổi thành dòng điện một chiều tương ứng với điện áp của ắc quy. Ở đây bộ charger + Rectifier power inverter with power from the battery and the grid to convert to an output voltage suitable for the load.
Thus, it can be seen that in any grid failure, the online UPS can supply power to the load without any delay. This makes the device very safe to use, and stable.