Battery Monitoring System (BMS) Uninterruptible Power là chìa khóa để cung cấp năng lượng cho hoạt động của hệ thống trong trung tâm dữ liệu. Thiết bị quan trọng là thiết bị không thể tắt. Pin là thứ cuối cùng hỗ trợ cung cấp năng lượng liên tục.
If there is no control or checkup of the battery, this will make it difficult to know the condition and performance of the battery and can cause an error, which may result in the computer becoming inoperable. We have realized the importance of the battery and have developed a battery monitoring system to measure and check the status of the battery online for 24 hours. When one of the batteries fails or malfunctions, such as due to low current, undervoltage, or high temperature, data is sent to the device.The program will display the data so that the user can quickly proceed to replace the battery to avoid damaging other batteries. Therefore, the battery is not less important than the UPS and must be monitored at all times.